About us

About us

Welcome to our website! We’re Troy and Noel. Ask us about a restaurant, a great meal, or a trip we enjoyed, and you won’t shut us up!

We started this website a couple years before COVID, thinking it would be a great hobby and a way to communicate out our experiences. However, work initially got in the way. Now, not so much!

The name – Planet Saipo – loosely translates to ‘clean planet’. Saipo (“soap”) is derived from the Celts word for soap. We seek out simple, fun opportunities to make our life more rich and joyful with experiences.

When I think of the last 30 years, I can’t believe how much we’ve done. The many amazing things we’ve seen!  I appreciate what we have been able to experience so far, and we plan on it continuing in the future. From our first road trip together to California in (1994), to our most recent travels around Italy and Greece (2023), to our recent adventures at home, we have had fun! Sometimes there are challenges, but we work through them. We have tried new things and come home with a greater appreciation for all we have and all our friends and family.

We love what life has given us so far – lots of great experiences. And that’s what we always want – an experience. When we aren’t doing, we’re planning our next meal, activity or trip! In the last few years, we have started planning more travels with others. This has provided great experience in better understanding how to balance everyone’s needs equally and still trying to achieve what you hope to from the experience.

When we share our experiences, we also want you to share yours – that’s how we relate. Even better if it’s over a drink!

Reach out to us on our Contact Us page; or check out all our posts and through the comments link at the top of each post, let us know what you think.
